Here’s the additions to the Museum’s collection for this week.

Blackburn Skua II in 1/72 made from the Novo (Frog) kit.











Blohn und Voss Ha139V-3 in 1/144 made from the Air Craft Models vacform kit.










Boeing 737-100 in 1/144 made from a combination of Revell and Airfix kits.












Boeing 737-200 in 1/144 made from a combination of Revell and Airfix kits.













Boeing X-32 in 1/72 made from the Italeri kit.










Liore et Olivier H.43 in 1/72 made from the Dujin kit.













Loire-Nieuport LN.411 in 1/72 made from the Azur kit.











Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation CA-15 in 1/72 made from the Czech Master Resin kit.













Martin Baker MB.3 in 1/72 made from the Dujin kit.













Martin Baker MB.5 in 1/72 made from the AZmodel kit.













McDonnell FH-1 in 1/72 made from the MPM kit.












MiG-17PF (Fresco-D) in 1/72 made from the AZmodel kit.











In addition the Workbench Notes for the Skua, Leo H.43 and LN.411 have been revised with PDFs added.

I’m not sure what will happen next week, we’re having renovations and painters in so everything will be in state of confusion.  Let’s wait to see what happens.