The MoB Chronicles
What Wayne and Leigh Learned at ModelExpo 23
MUSINGS FROM EXPO 2023 Not having attended a Model Expo since 2019, I was partly interested and equally not interested in once again trudging down to Melbourne to see if there had been any advancement in which I’d be interested in the latest world of scale modelling. One thing that doesn’t help is that in…
Read MoreThe MoB Goes to Expo, 2017-2019
More Expo Fun (July 2017) Everything was as it has been for many years as we set out for the annual Expo Excursion – except for the Wayne sized hole in our little group. He would have found this year’s jaunt down to the Big Event interesting, though probably not good for his wallet. We…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2014
I Went All the Way With Zim – to the Eastern Suburbs Swap and Sell and Back April 2014 Let’s leave aside the fact that I stood in the wrong place when Zim cane to pick me up. I’m guilty, I admit it, but anyone who expects my brain to be in anything but neutral…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2013
Another Good Big Day In (May 2013) Master Wayne is going to be disappointed. He insists that I write up events like our most recent Display Day for his amusement. However, after this year’s display, I find that I don’t have much to say. Why, you wonder. Perhaps because the day seemed to last about…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2012
A Magic Ride in the Golden Jaguar – To the Eastern Suburbs Kit Extravaganza (April 2012) Last year I slept in and so missed the opportunity of travelling down to Melbourne with Zim to witness the Eastern Suburbs swap and sell. This year, not wishing to repeat that unfortunate performance, I set the alarm a…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2011
A Goof MoBbish Day (April 2011) Living in Camp Hemsley has one advantage, it is closer to the Caro Centre that my old place. A disadvantage to living there is that all my models are still in storage, except for the ones I’ve made while in the camp. Usually I have a car full of…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2010
Another Display Day at the Uni (April 2010) We did it again, another successful display day. Working feverishly behind the scenes in preceding months MoBsters did all the work necessary to make the day a success; organising the venue, organising the publicity, organising the raffle and then setting up all the tables the day before. …
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2009
The MoB’s Big Day In (April 2009) After months of anticipation there’s nothing more to anticipate, unless you’re starting to look forward to next year’s MoB display. Lots of MoBsters do lots of work behind the scenes to launch the day and it would be odious to name names because I’d have to name just…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2008
The Heat Death of Desire (September 2008) We all have our crosses to bear. Some of us spent our time in the armed forces, always guaranteed to create a warped and possibly cynical view of the world. Some of us combat foreign full-fee paying students who think they have found new ways of fooling their…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2007
1001 Models – The Three Musketeers go to Expo (June 2007) The Three Musketeers planned their adventure in detail on a cold, dark night in a remote area of Ballarat under a street light. Wayne said he was thinking about going to Expo and I said I wouldn’t mind going to see what it was…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2006
Travels in Time and Space (December 2006) The modelling club with the erotosymbolic name, the Bayonet Club, held its annual competition and swap and sell early in November Previously Wayne and I had gone to Werribee for the day but this time Wayne hit upon the brilliant idea of making a club event of it.…
Read MoreThe MoB Chronicles 2005
A Pleasant Saturday’s Amusement (November 2005) The last time that Wayne and I went driving to a swap and sell event we got lost. Well, not so much lost as misplaced. We were on the right road heading in the right direction but we missed the turn-off because we were lost in a discussion of…
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