
Russia’s Voskhod spacecraft were modified Vostoks with some safety equipment removed to make room for crews of two or three.  Voskhod 2 had a collapsible air lock and its crew made the first space walk on 18 March 1965.

The Voshkod was hastily developed so Russia could beat the United States in launching the first multi-crewed spacecraft and performing the world’s first EVA.

For the Voskhod 1 flight on 12 October 1964 a Vostok capsule carried a crew of three in very cramped conditions on a day long orbital flight.

Voskhod 2 had a crew of two and a collapsible air lock.

From it Alexey Leonov made the world’s first EVA lasting 20 minutes.

These were the only Voskhod flights and after them the Russian manned space program moved on to the more advanced Soyuz spacecraft.

This model represents the R-7 launcher and Voskhod 2 on 18 March 1965

Aer Moldova 1/144 kit with Real Space Models Voskhod stage and New Ware decals completed by Leigh Edmonds in February 2008.


MODEL: R-7 Voshkhod 2

ROLE: launch vehicle and orbital spacecraft

TIME PERIOD: 1964-1965

ENGINES: Stage 1: four strap on boosters each with four RD-107 engines of 3.89MN and a central core of four RD-108 engines of 912kN. Stage 2 one RD-0108 engine of 294.2kN thrust

WIDTH: 10.30m

LENGTH: 42.89m

SCALE: 1/144


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