The AMC 35 was designed and constructed as a medium cavalry tank by Renault.
Due to many problems, including the French cavalry decision to use the Souma 35 instead, only about 57 were produced and were not successful.
Development of the AMC35 began in 1935 to give the French cavalry a medium tank.
However technical, financial and political problems (including the nationalisation of the military division of Renault in 1936 as AMX) gave the project low priority.
Serial production began in November 1938, 10 were delivered to Belgium and the rest to the French Army.
Despite having a modern two-man turret, the tank was poorly armoured and unreliable so they were held back until the Battle of France became desperate and two ad-hoc units were formed to use them, but they performed poorly in service.
This model represents an AMC 35 in service with an ad-hoc French unit in mid May 1940.
Sparrow Casting 1/72 kit completed by Leigh Edmonds in April 2010.