The Castel-Mouboussin CM.8 (also known as the Fouga CM.8) was a glider designed and built in France in the late 1940s. It was an aerobatic glider of pleasing performance though only one was constructed.
Pierre Mouboussin and Robert Castello designed a number of aeroplanes that were manufactured by the company founded by Gaston Fouga in 1930.
After World War II Castel-Mouboussin designed several gliders including the CM.8 in two versions; the CM.8/13 with a 13 metre wingspan and conventional tail the CM.8/15 with a 15 metre wingspan and a V-tail.
They both made their first flights in June 1949.
The pleasing performance of these gliders led to experiments with mounting a small turbojet on the upper fuselage, using the fuselage of the CM.8/13 and the tail of the CM.8/15.
These tests eventually led to the design and construction of the Fouga Magister.
This model represents F-AZHF, the sole CM.8/13. It was restored and flew again in December 1994 and is currently in storage at the Musee de l’Air et Espace at LeBourget.
Dujin 1/72 kit completed by Leigh Edmonds in August 2011.