
The Douglas A-1 Skyraider was a United States piston engines ground attack aircraft which saw service for almost thirty years because of its rugged utility and ability to carry heavy weapon loads. It was used a great deal during the Vietnam war with United States and South Vietnamese air forces.

The South Vietnamese air force began receiving A-1s from the United States in 1960 and acquired a total of 308 during the course of the war. By the end of 1965 they were being used by six South Vietnamese squadrons.

This aircraft was flown by General Nguyen Cao Ky, Commanding Officer of the 83rd SOG, VNAF, at Ton Son Nhut from 1965 to 1968.

Fuselage markings consisted of a Blue and Gold insignia of the 83rd with the inscription ‘Than Phong’. Directly translated this means ‘God of Wind’ but literally its meaning was the Japanese kamikaze meaning ‘Divine Wind’.

The nose marking depicts one of the four highest cards in the Vietnamese game of Ca-Bai-Bat, meaning ‘The Better’.

Tamiya 1/48 kit with Eagle Strike decals and early resin Yankee ejection seat and system for Skyraiders. Painted in Model Master enamels (Dark Brown & Mid green and undersides light grey) and weathered with ground pastels. Completed by Wayne around 2010.


MODEL: Douglas A-1H (Wayne Eagles Gallery)

ROLE: ground attack aircraft

ENGINES: one Wright R-3350-26WA 18 cylinder radial piston engine of 2,000kW

WING SPAN: 15.25m

LENGTH: 11.84m



RANGE: 2,118km


ARMAMENT: four 20mm cannon and up to 3,600kg of weapons on 15 external hard points

SCALE: 1/48



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