The Mitsubishi J2M Raiden (Lightning Bolt, Allied reporting code ‘Jack’) was an interceptor fighter designed and built in Japan during World War 2. It’s role was as a high speed, high altitude fighter to shoot down attacking American bombers such as the Boeing B-29.
The J2M was designed by Mitsubishi for the Imperial Japanese Navy as a land based fighter.
Unlike previous Japanese fighters, it sacrificed maneuverability for speed and rate of climb so it could attach high flying enemy bombers.
The J2M2 version entered service in December 1942 but experienced severe engine problems which were not solved until the end of 1943.
The more heavily armed J2M3 version entered service in February 1944. Only 621 of both versions were manufactured.
This model represents the Mitsubishi J2M3 YoD-152 1 Hikotai, 302 Kokutai, flown by Taii Susumu, Ito, Buntaicho of 2 Buntai in 1 Hikotai at the Atsugi Air Base Kanagawa Province in Spring 1945.
Hasegawa 1/32 Mitsubishi J2M3 Mitsubishi completed with Yahu instrument panel and Eduard steel type seat belts. Painted in SMS and AK Lacquers, MiG pigments and Kagero masks used for Hinomaru and aircraft markings. Completed by Wayne Eagles in 2023.