This week’s additions is a focus on France, dont six Char Francaise, un avion Francaise et trois autres avions.  Let’s see what they are:


Schneider CA (early) in 1/72 using the Wespe/Retrokit kit.















Schneider CA (late) in 1/72 using the Retrokit kit.















Schneider CD in 1/72 using the Retrokit.














Saint Chamond (early) in 1/72 using the Reviresco kit.












Saint Chamond (late) in 1/72 using the Reviresco kit.












Char SOMUA 35 in 1/72 using the Heller kit.














Potez 580 in 1/72 using the Dujin kit.











Polikarpov I-185 in 1/72 using the Modelist kit.














PZL P.7a in 1/72 using the Master Kit kit.











PZL P.11c in 1/72 using the Master Kit kit.













Also new are three revised Workbench Notes for the Char Saint Chamond, Polikarpov I-185 and Amiot 143.